

scada-smallPyrumas SCADA systems range from simple to large configurations. Pyrumas SCADA applications use Pyrumas human machine interface (HMI) software that permits users to interact with machines to control the devices. HMI is connected to the feeder, relay, substation and many more devices.

SCADA software receives the information from programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or remote terminal units (RTUs), which in turn receive their information from the sensors or inputted values which we have given manually. SCADA in a power system is used to collect, analyze and monitor the data effectively, which will reduce the waste potentially and improve the efficiency of the entire system by saving money and time.

Present day Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are equipped with capabilities to monitor and control entire cities. With new edge devices and communication with the network devices the need for an end-to-end solution which can seamlessly integrate with each other is ever more greater. The big data arriving at high speeds must be analyses in real time for spontaneous decision making capabilities.

At Pyrumas, we provide integrated solutions for the power utility companies who can monitor the sub-stations with ease and gain deeper understanding of the entire distribution network. The Pyrumas engine makes it easier to visualize and analyze data in real time. Pyrumas Team enables the distribution company to implement a variety of SCADA technology at a cost effective manner. Pyrumas uses the existing distribution infrastructure of Substations, Feeders and deploys its IOT and Smart Grid devices to bring the Old Generation distribution Infrastructure to IEC standards.

Pyrumas Human Machine Interace (HMI) Will enable the distribution companies to monitor the infrastructure with just click of a button.

Pyrumas SCADA system deals with transmission of electric power from generating station to the loads with the use of transmission and distribution substations. Most of the power distribution or utility companies rely on manual labor to perform the distribution tasks like interrupting the power to loads, all the parameter hourly checking, fault diagnosis, etc. The implementing SCADA to the power distribution not only reduces the manual labor operation and its cost but facilitates automatic smooth operations with minimizing disruptions.

In the event of any outages of power this SCADA allows to detect the exact location of fault therefore without waiting for the calls from customers SCADA gives an alarm system to the operators for identifying and preventing it. And also in substations SCADA automatically controls isolator switches and circuit breakers for violating parameter limits, thereby continuous inspection of parameters are performed without a line worker. Some of the functions of SCADA in power distribution system are given below.

  • Improving power system efficiency by maintaining an acceptable range of power factor
  • Limiting peak power demand
  • Continuous monitoring and controlling of various electrical parameters in both normal and abnormal conditions
  • Trending and alarming to enable operators by addressing the problem spot
  • Historian data and viewing that from remote locations
  • Quick response to customer service interruptions

AMR, AMI & Billing

go-live-new-architectureMeter readers handle a flood of data every day and entering that data manually can increase the chance for human error. Making sure your data is accurate, on time and analyzed is key to increasing cash flow, not to mention customer satisfaction.

Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and status data from water meter or energy metering devices (gas, electric) and transferring that data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. This technology mainly saves utility providers the expense of periodic trips to each physical location to read a meter. Another advantage is that billing can be based on near real-time consumption rather than on estimates based on past or predicted consumption. This timely information coupled with analysis can help both utility providers and customers better control the use and production of electric energy, gas usage, or water consumption.

Pyrumas AMR technologies include handheld, mobile and network technologies based on IOT, radio frequency (RF). Pyrumas Electricity AMR supports Automatic meter readers to be fit to the existing metering infrastructure. Pyrumas AMR Supports multiple modes of connection between the meters and the Distribution database provided by Pyrumas, some of them being RS232, Optical Reader, IR, LPRF(Low Power Radio Frequency) and also Pyrumas Technique to measure traditional Electro Mechanical Meters remotely.

Benefits of AMR :

  • Accurate meter reading, no more estimates
  • Improved billing
  • Accurate profile classes and measurement classes, true costs applied
  • Improved security and tamper detection for equipment
  • Energy management through profile data graphs
  • Less financial burden correcting mistakes
  • Less accrued expenditure
  • Transparency of “cost to read” metering
  • Improved procurement power though more accurate data – “de-risking” price
  • In cases of shortages, utility will be able to manage/allocate supply.

Pyrumas Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Provide State of the art Cloud based AMI for Distribution company. Pyrumas AMI allows Distribution Companies to get the meter or machine generated data live to CloudAMI Infrastructure. Pyrumas CloudAMI gives both Distribution Companies and Consumers to access the data live, analyze and visualize the data live. Thus enabling the consumer and the distribution companies to take actions on the Demand Side.

Network Data Acquisition

nwdaElectrical Power has become indispensable to human survival and progress. Increasing gap between demand and supply made every other nation explore ways and means to enhance Power Generation capabilities from both conventional and non-conventional means.

Apart from efforts to meet growing demand, mounting AT&C losses in distribution is another challenge being faced by utilities world wide. Specifically developing countries owe to lack of proper energy accounting from infrastructural, technological shortfalls and manual interventions in energy billing.

Energy and network data management system enables distribution companies remotely monitor the energy data. The data is collected wirelessly using industrial grade Pyrumas PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) which are fitted to the feeders, substations, transformers.

Pyrumas PLC transmits data wirelessly to Pyrumas cloud which collects raw data, formats them and prepares the data for later analysis. The data can be viewed graphically using the web interface which allows the distribution companies to remotely send commands and monitor data. The Pyrumas energy management console keeps track of the energy distributed at different feeders, substations, transformers and the different houses/industries connected to a transformer.
Using Pyrumas energy management console, the distribution companies can query all the houses connected to a particular transformer, all the transformers connected to a particular substation, all the substations connected to a feeder. This mechanism of query helps to understand what locality/houses gets impacted upon maintenance of the grid.

Pyrumas with its innovative technology has devised and successfully implemented the solution using RF and GPRS technology on sub-station feeder metering involving Data concentrator units and Meter interface units. MIUs collect the data at periodic intervals and transfers over internet to DCU which transfers the same to central server through GPRS. Intelligent modem/PLC offered at each of the DTR meter will transfer the data at predefined intervals over GPRS to central server.

Consumer Relations

go-live-new-architectureThe traditional approach to Grievance Redressal, handled through letters and complaint forms, has very little appeal and its usage rarely reflects the actual state of customer satisfaction or lack thereof.

Consumer relations addresses customer grievances in a timely and orderly manner. It becomes imperative that the consumers should be satisfied as quickly as possible. Consumer relations module closes that gap by providing various ways to communicate with the utility companies such as integrated support available on the web page.

Customers can directly send support requests from multiple modes like Website, Mobile Application, Email, SMS, Telegram, Fax etc:- . The support requests are consolidated at the database and enable the support staff of the utility company to take action with all the necessary data. Integrating CGRS with Pyrumas MDMS will enable the consumer and the distribution company to get the data of the consumer such as location, the network that the consumer is connected to with all required information about the power failure or nature of the problem, priority of the issues, contact information and so on. Pyrumas CGRS enables the consumer to track the complaint live to get the latest details on the complaint. Distribution companies will have multiple set of logins to check & update the status to the consumer.

Pyrumas CGRS will enable the consumer to streamline the process of Complaint management. Streamlining this process eliminates the need for long wait times and reduces turnaround times for utility companies.

Meter Data Management & Billing

Pyrumas Software offers a solution for all your utility billing software needs. Designed, written and supported with small to mid-sized utilities in mind, Our Software defines a new simplicity for managing unique utility office problems. Pyrumas Software for Billing will make your job easier by eliminating many manual operations and errors, processing in real time, and providing information in visually appealing displays. Find out about Pyrumas’s easy, time-saving payment options, flexible automation, and unequaled integration features.

Pyrumas Billing System integrated with the Meter Database Management System (MDMS) gives the distribution companies edge to give the consumer end to end automation processing of billing and payment collection.

Pyrumas Billing can also be used to get all the data from the meter with Spot billing device. The bills are generated automatically based on the price slabs and other conditions that are configurable. All the parameters of the billing software is configurable from the Distribution administrator interface.

Pyrumas Billing also comes with the inbuilt Consumer module where consumer can view his bills, pay bills online, drill down data, get the latest power consumption data.

Substation Monitoring System

Pyrumas Substation Monitoring System can integrate with protection relays/ IEDs or Meters from various vendors, which support standard protocols to provide additional protection data & powerful fault analysis.

The supported protocols are IEC61850, IEC60870-5-103, DNP3, MODBUS etc. It is possible to forward all parameters to a central control or to a separate system like GIS. Our substation automation solution is extremely user-friendly HMI and works in a single environment.

The use of common open protocol – IEC61850 or IEC-104 enables formation of a common data bus, seamlessly integrating these individual components to form a distributed monitoring & controlling system. HMI can be configured with the help of a Single Line Diagram and can be controlled and configured from HMI. The communication ports of these IED’s can be connected to the master computer using appropriate communication medium. Communication medium can be RS485, Copper cable, Fibre-optic, Ethernet or any other medium.

The main features of Substation Monitoring System include

Preparation of system architecture, IO list and design documents

Development of HMI screens and SCADA Database

SCADA Configuration and Engineering

Integration, testing and validation

Staging, commissioning and user acceptance tests